Tutorial Program @ University of Melbourne
Proudly sponsored and hosted by
The University of Melbourne School of Chemistry
Cuming Theatre, School of Chemistry Building West (Bld 153)
8:30am - 5pm
Learn from leaders in the field of photochemistry
At the APC 2023 Tutorial Program you will hear from world leaders and experts on the fundamentals and intricate details of how they conduct their research. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from leaders in the field of photochemistry all in one place.
University of Melbourne
Paul Mulvaney
Photoluminescent and Photochromic Materials
Quantum Dot Synthesis and Characterisation
The 2023 Nobel Prize was recently awarded to three pioneers in the field of quantum dot technology. In this tutorial, we provide an overview of quantum dots and the quantum size effect. We will also discuss the basic methods of synthesis (the “hot injection” and “temperature-ramp” methods) and the use of core-shell structures to improve photostability.
University of Melbourne
Wallace Wong
Solar Energy Materials
Dye Assemblies in Light Harvesting
Molecular dye assembles play a central role in a range of light harvesting systems from photosynthesis in nature to organic solar cells and advanced light harvesting devices. In this tutorial lecture, we will examine examples of dye assemblies looking into their structure, properties, and function.
Yoichi Kobayashi
Photochromic Materials
Photochromic reactions: basics and advanced photofunctions
In this lecture, we introduce the basics of electronic structure and photochemical reactions, and then, several photochromic compounds and their characteristic reactions will be introduced. Finally, recent advanced functional properties based on photochromic reactions will be introduced.
Hokkaido University
Kosei Ueno
Photonics, Plasmonics, and Polaritonics, inc. 2D materials
Plasmon Based Chemistry
In this tutorial session, I will lecture on the spectral characteristics of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) and their chemical applications utilizing the enhanced optical field generated by LSPRs. Specifically, I will delve into the fabrication of metallic nanostructures, their far- and near-field spectral properties as well as their spatial distribution and dynamics, explaining them in detail using experimental results and electromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, I will introduce various studies related to the near-field enhancement and plasmon-induced hot carriers, showcasing their diverse applications in photochemical reactions. Additionally, I will illustrate the spectral properties and ultrafast dynamics of coupled plasmonic nanostructures and their coupling with excitons, not only in molecular systems but also in the transition metal dichalcogenide layered materials (two-dimensional (2D) materials).
The University of Adelaide
Greg Metha and Cameron Shearer
Introduction to Photocatalysis
This tutorial aims cover the most fundamental aspects of photocatalysis which all researchers should know, but is rarely discussed in journal articles or textbooks. This will start with reduction / oxidation reactions and how they can be driven by semiconductor materials. We will go through with step-by-step instructions on how to measure key parameters such as the band gap and particle sizes using commonly available software.
We will then focus on the fundamental aspects of photocatalytic water splitting and discuss how the thermodynamics of the reaction limits the potential solar-to-hydrogen efficiency and final $/kg of H2. This will be followed by some practical examples of how to calibrate gas chromatography instruments and reduce the backward reaction of water formation from hydrogen and oxygen.
Tahei Tahara
Spectroscopy and Dynamics
Developing new spectroscopy using ultrashort optical pulses
I explain the basis and background of new spectroscopic methods we have developed using ultrashort optical pulses, that is, time-resolved time-domain Raman spectroscopy to track structural dynamics on a femtosecond time scale and phase-sensitive interface-selective nonlinear spectroscopy to reveal structure and dynamics of liquid interfaces. Through the lecture, I would like to share the fun and excitement to see what cannot be seen before.